Uc application essay prompts
Monday, August 24, 2020
The Concept of Generation Gap Bridging in the Workplace
Chapter by chapter guide Introduction Generation The Generations at the Workplace Bridging the Generational Gap Conclusion Works Cited Introduction A work environment makes it feasible for individuals from different foundations to associate and work together towards accomplishing a shared objective. Over the span of such communication there will undoubtedly be some disarray emerging from the laborers. Sorted out working environments, regardless of whether little or huge, have an authoritative structure to guarantee smooth running of their activities.Advertising We will compose a custom exposition test on The Concept of Generation Gap Bridging in the Workplace explicitly for you for just $16.05 $11/page Learn More A case of such organized framework is an open foundation. Open organizations dissimilar to private establishments follow severe set down strategies in the dispersal of their command to the general population. This paper will talk about the idea of spanning the age hole in th e work environment comparable to an open establishment that has all the current ages working in it. The paper will examine the different ages in such a work environment, their qualities, how they see different ages and the wellspring of contention among the ages. Comprehension of the attributes of the different ages is imperative for production of age spans. The paper will likewise investigate manners by which the various ages can be united to acknowledge and amicably work with one another viably for the acknowledgment of the organization’s targets. Age An age is a gathering of individuals who are conceived in a given timeframe. The time is an unclear range that shifts from an offered society to another. In certain social orders, an age distinction is evaluated as far as the life expectancy from when one is destined to the time he/she has a family. It is required some investment period between when a female considers her first youngster to the second when the woman’s l ittle girl gets her previously conceived. This is anyway not a proper definition but rather a social supposition that has been surpassed by time, despite the fact that its part of time is as yet applicable. Humankind has partitioned itself into bunches dependent on the age factors (Dictionary 1). Arrangement of the right now existing individuals as indicated by age groups four ages. The most seasoned age is the children of post war America. This is the set conceived in the 1950’s. Another age is the â€Å"generation X†which is a gathering of individuals who were conceived in the period averaging from 1965 to 1980. The age X experienced childhood in a time of childishness, an angle that they never enjoyed. The term age â€Å"X†as utilized started from Douglas’s book of a nonexistent story of three individuals who confined themselves from individuals so as to scan for their personalities. He imagined this gathering of individuals as underemployed, having abundance training, self covered and temperamental (Jochim 1). Another age is the age â€Å"Y†, additionally alluded as the Millennials.Advertising Looking for exposition on open organization? We should check whether we can support you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More This gathering comprises of individuals brought into the world after the mid 1980’s. They are viewed as the predominant workforce in working environments right now. This youthful gathering supposedly is result arranged group laborers who look for consideration for their work and are very much educated in innovation. The gathering inclines toward adaptable working conditions and situations a reality that isn't generally welcomed by more established ages (Kane 1). The age â€Å"Z†, is the gathering that follows age â€Å"Y†. It comprises of young people conceived as from the year 1994 to the year 2004. They are then again observed as to have poor relational abilities and are bad a udience members. The gathering is seen to be, in future, non cooperative individuals in work puts because of poor relational abilities. They are likewise alluded to as the quiet age (Babyboomers 1). The Generations at the Workplace Hammil guaranteed that the present issues at the work environments are not because of hardened rivalry or narrow-mindedness among individuals in senior positions however the barrage of the four astoundingly together in the working environment. The ages present various ways to deal with components of â€Å"values, thoughts, communication†(Hammil 1) and activity. The distinctions are likewise clear in â€Å"attitude, conduct, desires, propensities and inspirational buttons†(Hammil 1). The strain saw among the various ages is only a result of their age distinction that has seen them create various perspectives and way to deal with issue and compromise. The gatherings have various mindsets. While the â€Å"Y†age needs moment thankfulne ss for what they are doing, the child of post war America is keen on the profitability of a specialist. A â€Å"Y†age specialist will in this way be effortlessly dispirited when the person in question neglects to get a moment inspiration yet the child of post war America age supervisor was simply sitting tight for a suitable time or the organization’s prerequisites and time for compensating the exhibition. The â€Å"Y†age for this case can consider the to be ages as being rude just as being legitimate and dissatisfied. The more youthful age is likewise observed by the more established age as acting naturally focused and lacking responsibility (Hammil 1). Spanning the Generational Gap The four ages are distinctive in numerous perspectives, a reality that frequently acquire clashes a working environment however they should all exist in the framework. The requirement for congruity in the administration and elements of an association will require all the gathering s to steadily take senior situations in the supervisory group. Any firm will require the gen X-er to give understanding and administration similarly as it needs the â€Å"Y†age to be arranged and molded to a future head in the association. Blair clarified that understanding the conduct of individuals just as the methodology given to them is a key factor in overseeing them. A specialist who feels that his position is comprehended and that the individual in question is regarded will much effectively regard the management’s order than a laborer who feels threatened and unappreciated.Advertising We will compose a custom paper test on The Concept of Generation Gap Bridging in the Workplace explicitly for you for just $16.05 $11/page Learn More The administration should set up measures to guarantee that everybody finds a sense of contentment with each other. This includes a progression of measures attempted by the administration just as the practices advanced among workers both inside an age just as across ages. The top administration should set strategies that will direct every worker’s conduct according to the manner in which they identify with different specialists. Advancement of duty of an individual specialist towards a shared comprehension is likewise critical. The organization then again ought to spur and rearrange each specialist as per their mental needs. The point of the initiative must be to make a comprehension among all laborers (Blair 1). Assertion is additionally important when the hole brings a contention. A top chief or even only a party in question can unite the clashing people to clarify why the misconception will undoubtedly happen and the significance of comprehension and valuing each other. Peace making strategies must be obviously organized just as creating intelligent discussions to unite the ages in an increasingly social manner (Gravett and Throckmorton 274). Acquainting every one of the ages with the parts of differe nt ages is another progression to overcoming any barrier. This could include uncovering the old age to current innovation and elevating the youthful age to administrative positions (Rasmus and Salkowitz 159). As I would see it, the age hole debates are an ordinary event in a work environment. Each individual must revamp the decent variety of human instinct, regardless of whether in the generational gathering or over the gathering. Each laborer should regard each other’s assessment and under no condition should issues emerging from work be customized. The organization should think of approaches to kill segregation dependent on age and punishments on offenses dependent on age holes. Crossing over the holes will upgrade participation in the work environment, a reality that will improve viability of the laborers consequently efficiency of the substance. Determination An age characterizes individuals conceived in a given timespan. There as of now exist four ages specifically the g en X-ers, the X age, the Y age and the Z age. Every one of the ages has its highlights that are very not quite the same as different ages. This distinction is typically a wellspring of contention among the ages particularly because of misguided judgments among individuals from a gathering over other generations.Advertising Searching for article on open organization? How about we check whether we can support you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Find out More The occasion of contention among the ages in a working environment negatively affects the laborers diminishing their adequacy. It can on occasion be spilt over to clients, an issue that will sabotage the entity’s presence. Measures ought to be taken to guarantee that these holes are spanned to stay away from such clashes don't happen. The means can be managerial as far as setting up strategies or people being asked and urged to have the duty to guarantee quiet workplace. Works Cited Babyboomers. Age gathering of age Z. Babyboomers, 2011. Web.. http://www.rocketswag.com/retirement/Blair, Gerard. The Human Factor. College of Edinburg, n.d. Web. Word reference. Age. Word reference References, 2011. Web.. https://www.dictionary.com/Gravett, Linda and Throckmorton, Robin. Crossing over the age hole. New
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Arthur Miller’s †The Crucible Essay
In 1953 Arthur Miller composed a play entitled The Crucible, by composing this he meant to challenge the presumptions of US society and drove individuals to scrutinize every others obligations. In the 1950’s representative Joe McCarthy began to abuse the US fears of socialism and sorted out a witch chase. Mill operator would have considered this to be like the Holocaust as in individuals were by and large wrongly blamed for being witches when they were most certainly not. Arthur was a Jew thus would have had compassion for these individuals and this in my eyes was one of the key factors in the composition of this play. During the seventeenth century there was an episode in the conviction of black magic in Europe. This prompted mass movement from Europe to America; the migrants were Puritans thus set up their own severe Christian people group. This is the manner by which Salem, Massachusetts appeared. Miller’s characters pass on my point through their difference in character from Act I through to Act IV. There are various kinds of progress all through the play, for example, change in character, convictions and dependability and these all happen sooner or later in the play to various characters. Delegate, a rancher, goes from a nearby, very much regarded man to a man blamed for being in contact with the Devil. Abigail changes from sweet and excellent to pernicious and underhanded. Robust then again is gotten tied up with the play as a black magic ‘expert’, he winds up battling with this specific case thus changes into a delicate, old and powerless man. Putnam is a lot of like Proctor and his story all through the play is a lot of the equivalent and at last finishes in death. The first run through Putnam is referenced he is supposed to be ‘vindictive’, which means he is tricky and malevolent. In any case, there is a purpose behind this nature of his; Miller says that Thomas Putnam is a man ‘with numerous grievances’. This statement alone says that his pernicious nature comes after a specific occasion in his life, this being James Bailey (his child in law) had been turned down as clergyman of Salem. In any case, this progressions totally as the allegations of black magic come out from the woodwork, rather than being scarred by this complaint he goes to his controlling self. During Act I the Putnam family cry black magic on a specific Rebecca Nurse; this is all Thomas Putnam’s adjust self image. The Nurses were the ones who at last kept James Bailey from getting down to business in Salem and for Putnam, darkening the Nurse name would unquestionably open the passage for Bailey to become pastor of Salem. Along these lines, toward the beginning of the play Putnam is depicted as the informer, and as it should be. In any case, as we go on through the play we see Putnam’s character change fairly quickly from the informer to the charged. This is demonstrated right when in Act III Danforth says, ‘Mr Putnam, I have here an allegation by Mr Corey against you.’ This allegation alone shows how Putnam’s character has changed from one extraordinary to the next; he has gone from informer to the charged. This attitude toward Thomas Putnam goes some way or another to portraying how the entire trial in Salem has changed everybody and is greater now than at any other time. This stuns the crowd as it shows that this entire trial in Salem is changing even the most decent of men. The following character we see is Reverend Hale; he is gotten by Parris as an ace of the extraordinary expressions, black magic. We are first acquainted with Hale as, ‘Mr Hale is approaching forty, a tight-cleaned, enthusiastic looked at intellectual’. This makes the crowd think straight away that Hale is an all around regarded and knowledgeable person who is very scorn with his activity, to the degree he really appreciates it. Mill operator portrayed Hale as somebody who, ‘†¦felt the pride†¦Ã¢â‚¬â„¢. This shows Hale invested wholeheartedly in the reality he was looked for after and great at his particular employment, and an expert in such territories. Thus, from how Miller portrays Hale we see his eagerness to be associated with this court and anxious to flaunt his capacity, as this improves his confidence.. So it is anything but difficult to expect that Hale would be a nonentity for the further Acts in the play, this is consistent with some degree, until Act III where Hale at last loses his head; he understands how much this case has influenced Salem and its residents, ‘I decry these procedures, I quit this court’. This statement itself tells the crowd how much the circumstance in Salem has exploded into something that never ought to have been. How it has all prodded from one allegation to a further ten, at that point toward the end, more than one hundred. It shows the crowd how the circumstance has influenced such a significant number of individuals and that Hale is the first to understand this. He, accordingly, stops the court, this offering proof to the explanation that Hale’s character has totally changed. From the start he needs to be included (the saint) and invest wholeheartedly in his work. In any case, presently, n Act III he gets as distant from the case as could reasonably be expected, it shows how the circumstance is evolving individuals, and all the more so how it has changed Reverend Hale. Solidness is presently depicted as a feeble, collapsed individual, ailing in character. He goes from solid to fragile and collapsed. The crowd watching this would feel confounded at seeing this extreme change in this sacred good figure. Possibly the most significant envoy for change in The Crucible is John Proctor. We are first acquainted with him during Act I, Miller portrays John Proctor as, ‘†¦a rancher in his center thirties. He need not have been a fanatic of any group in the town’
Friday, July 17, 2020
What to Read If You Love the TV Show Playing House
What to Read If You Love the TV Show Playing House 2017 is continuing its reign of terror: USA’s Playing House, a hilarious show about female friendship and cheese, has been cancelled after three seasons. When pregnant Maggie (Lennon Parham) finds out her husband is cheating on her, her best friend Emma (Jessica St. Clair) moves back to their hometown full of weirdos to help raise the baby. Starring real-life besties Parham and St. Clair, the show also featured a seriously charming performance by Keegan-Michael Key. (Someone please cast this man in a romantic comedy!). Well have to turn to books like Playing House to fill the Jammer longing in our hearts. Lennon Parham as Maggie Caruso, Tatum Conte as Charlotte Caruso, Jessica St. Clair as Emma Crawford. Photo by: Robyn Von Swank/USA Network via IMDb. Playing House has a sweetly wacky vibe that generally eschews mean-spirited humour in favour of supportive kindness. Plus, Emma and Maggie get into all kinds of ridiculous shenanigans. The show was really too good for this world. But in the spirit of St. Clair’s wise words, “If you think that they can keep a good bitch down, well I’m sorry, but they can’t.†You’ll Grow Out of It by Jessi Klein This essay collection contains hilarious musings on everything from porn to womens fashion. Klein writes about being a late bloomer baffled by many of the rituals of modern womanhood. The light-hearted questions she asks about things we take for granted about femininity feel like topics Maggie and Emma might discuss while digging into their cheese of the month club subscription. The Flood Girls by Richard Fifield When Rachel Flood returns to her small hometown to make amends after causing chaos years ago, her mother, Laverna, isn’t so forgiving. Luckily, her teenage neighbour, Jake, and the local softball team are happy to have Rachel back. And as she spends more and more time in her hometown, she begins to realize that redemption may be closer than she thought. The Flood Girls shares something of Playing House’s “cool women owning their choices and apologizing for their mistakes†vibe, but with more sardonic writing. The Misadventures of Awkward Black Girl by Issa Rae Issa Rae is incredibly funny in this book of essays, whether she’s mining daily interactions for all their awkward humour or writing about learning to accept yourself. Emma and Maggie are pretty awkward, tooâ€"see the time they invite a friend’s new love interest over for dinner and make it real weird, real fast, or every time they bust out their male alter egos, or really just every time one of their schemes goes wrong. (See also Rae’s TV show Insecure, about the friendship between two black women.) Where the Heart Is by Billie Letts You may remember this one from the movie starring Natalie Portman as main character Novalee Nation. Where the Heart Is is about a pregnant teenager, abandoned by her boyfriend, who finds a home in a town full of eccentric but caring people who band together to help her raise the baby. I’ll Have What She’s Having by Erin Carlson At times, Playing House feels a little bit like a Nora Ephron romantic comedyâ€"one where breakups are tough but amicable and heroines can lean on a bunch of wacky friends for support. The rapid-fire banter between Emma and her love interest, Mark (Key), also has a romcom tinge. This work of nonfiction by Erin Carlson explores how Ephron’s trio of classic romantic comedies (When Harry Met Sally, Sleepless in Seattle, and You’ve Got Mail) came to be. Based on interviews with Meg Ryan, Tom Hanks, and the other actors, production staffers, and producers who worked on the films, I’ll Have What She’s Having captures what it takes to make a great romcom. (Anyone else wish Ephron were still alive so she could write a lead romantic role for Key?) Another Brooklyn by Jacqueline Woodson When August returns to where she grew up, an encounter with an old friend prompts her to relive adolescent memories of 1970s Brooklyn made alongside her best friends. As the girls come of age, believing fiercely in each other, another Brooklyn of dangerous men and unsettling experiences lurks below the surface. Woodson explores the bonds between women and how places shape us. How to Party with an Infant by Kaui Hart Hemmings Some of Playing House’s best episodes are about how motherhood changes your life. Hemmings explores this with honesty and humour in How to Party with an Infant. Mele Bart is a single mother in San Francisco who relies on her parent group to keep her sane. When her ex-husband wants their daughter to be the flower girl in his second wedding, Mele distracts herself by entering a cookbook-writing contest, using parenthood as her inspiration. Royal Wedding by Meg Cabot Similar to Playing House, Cabot’s first grown-up Princess Diaries novel has a zany, playful tone and a plot that features characters getting caught up in various misadventures. In this installment, Mia is planning her wedding to Michael, but keeps getting distracted by political intrigue and potential scandals. This book is sweet and satisfying. The Joy Luck Club by Amy Tan The classic novel about female friendship, this book also explores relationships between mothers and daughters. In 1949, four recent immigrants to San Francisco meet to play mah jong and share their joys and frustrations. Years later, their daughters are on their own paths to self-discovery, learning more about their mothers’ pasts in order to understand their own. Want more books about female friendship? Check out another Book Riot list here! And recommend your favourite books like Playing House in the comments.
Thursday, May 21, 2020
The Montessori Method Of Education By Observing Behaviors
Dr. Maria Montessori developed the Montessori Method of education by observing behaviors in young children which formed the foundation of her educational method. Montessori method is a child-centered educational approach based on scientific clarifications of children from birth to adulthood. Dr. Montessori’s Method has been time tested, with over 100 years of success in diverse cultures throughout the world. It is a view of the child as one who is naturally eager for knowledge and capable of initiating learning in a supportive, thoughtfully prepared learning environment. It is an approach that values the human spirit and the development of the whole childâ€â€physical, social, emotional and mental. Dr. Montessori’s method has five different†¦show more content†¦These skills through practical life activities are institutionalized easier and faster because practical life area`s activities are interesting for children that was mentioned above. When children go to language area they have better understanding of these skills, and know how to use them to develop in writing and reading. They are ready to write orderly from left to right and top to bottom, and fingers grasp have become coordinated to hold the chalk then pencil. They learn the letters in writing activities, and then move forward to reading. Because child with visual sense that has been motivated before learns letter by their symbol before reading them. Additionally they are able to communicate and express themselves. Dr. Montessori categorised the Language area to five different sections too: Ø â€Å"Oral languageâ€ Ø â€Å"Writingâ€ Ø â€Å"Readingâ€ Ø â€Å"Introduction to grammar/Function of wordsâ€ Ø â€Å"Introduction to analysis†In both areas (Practical Life and Language) activities are color-coded and all of them are placed orderly regarding children`s height, as a result children can take and put them back comfortably. Therefore classroom becomes welcoming for children, and they are interested to work with activities. In practical life area the first categoryShow MoreRelatedMontessori Educational Approach And Early Childhood Education757 Words  | 4 PagesThe Montessori educational approach was developed by Italian psychiatrist Maria Montessori, who initially began working with deprived and retarded children. Observations on educational challenges faced by these children directed her to formulate theories in the fields of cognitive development and early childhood education. Noticing the progress made by students that were previously considered uneducable, Montessori ponder the poor performance â€Å"normal†children were having at regular schools. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Communism in Cuba Positive or Negative for Its Citizens
Communism is a system of government in which the state plans and controls the economy and a single party holds power, claiming to make progress toward a higher social order in which all goods are equally shared by the people. The idea of communism started in the 19th century by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engals. When communism first started it was an idea of a society based on common ownership of property. That idea eventually turned political and communism turned into a government. There have been communist groups in Cuba since the early 1920’s and it eventually grew into the only political party in the country. Over the years there have been many debates on what is the goal of communism in Cuba. The majority of people believe that communism†¦show more content†¦The Cuban people have been under the harsh dictatorship of both Felgenico Batista and Fidel Castro. They both had very strict policies and gave the Cuban people limited or no freedom at all. Batista and Castro w ere similar but yet different. One major difference that they had was that Batista was friendly with the United States and he had respect for American interest. On the other hand Fidel Castro hasn’t been as friendly with the United States, so the U.S has a trade embargo that restricts and American company to do business with Cuba and also U.S citizens are prohibited from traveling to Cuba unless for special circumstances. Felgenico Batista While Felgenico Batista was running Cuba many American companies grew rich off of Cuban resources while the Cuban people remained poor. An American mobster named Meyer Lansky came to Cuba to open a hotel. The mobster gave Batista 10% of the profits of the hotel and casino, so Batista became wealthy off of that. Batista became very wealthy off of American business and also organized crime. Meyer Lansky also turned Havana into a drug port. Batista did very little to help the Cuban citizens. While running Cuba Batista did not offer the people neither health care nor education. So many Cubans lived in poverty. When they became ill they wouldn’t be able to go to a doctor because they wouldn’t be able to afford it. When Batista took over the country inShow MoreRelatedA Brief History of Cuba1225 Words  | 5 PagesCuba’s people were slaves, outraged slaves began to rebel with the intention to win independence from the Spanish. In April of 1898 Spa in and Cuba went to war with Americas involvement which resulted in the Treaty of Paris in August of 1898 where Spain ceded Puerto Rico, Philippines, Cuba, and Guam. On May 20, 1902 The United States of America allowed Cuba to gain its independence. The newly written constitution stated that the United States retained the right to intervene in Cuba’s affairs. In 1933Read MoreFidel Castro And The Cuban Revolution1367 Words  | 6 PagesHavana, Cuba, having overthrown corrupt dictator Fulgencio Batista the week earlier. 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Famineâ€â€30Read MoreEssay on How The Cold War Helped America2321 Words  | 10 PagesThe Cold War was a war that spanned from the end of WWII in 1945 until 1991 when communism influenced by the Soviet Union collapsed. The casualties and losses of the Vietnam and Korean wars, the two major wars fought indirectly between United States and the Soviet Union during the course of the Cold War, would seem like a disaster for both world superpowers. But in fact it was not. The Cold war brought a period of extreme consuming by the United States especially in the nuclear arms race in order
John updike A product of his times Free Essays
Introduction John Updike lived a life filled with the adventures of reading. Updike was a very successful writer who used his superior experiences with reading and memories of his own life to influence his work. He is best known for his most prominent stories such as â€Å"AP†and his â€Å"Rabbit†books. We will write a custom essay sample on John updike: A product of his times or any similar topic only for you Order Now Updike is also well known for his explicit and lustful description of women like the way he describes the women in â€Å"AP†. In â€Å"AP†Sammy, the main character, becomes Updike’s alter ego, acting out in ways which Updike’s upbringing prevented him from even contemplating and emphasizing both men’s continuous struggle with sex, marriage, and morality. Updike was born a man with great potential. He was born in Reading, Pennsylvania on March 18, 1932, but was raised in the small town of Shillington until he was thirteen (â€Å"John Updike.†LitFinder). Updike’s parents were very influential figures of his writing especially because â€Å"†¦his mother a writer who, as her son did, wrote stories for New Yorker magazine†(â€Å"John Updike.†LitFinder). John Updike’s home filled with the creative opinions of his family â€Å"†¦prepared the way for a prolific career which began in earnest at the age of 22, upon the publication of his first story, â€Å"Friends from Philadelphia,†in the New Yorker in 1954†(â€Å"John Updike.†Encyclopedia). John Updike was married to Mary Pennington in 1953 (â€Å"John Updike.†LitFinder). They had four children together but in 1977 the couple divorced and he later married Martha Bernhard (â€Å"John Updike.†LitFinder). Updike.†Encyclopedia). John Updike writing took on several styles and forms but his â€Å"†¦primary concerns are Protestant, middle class, contemporary American life, and the roles that marriage, divorce, sexuality, and religion play in it†(â€Å"John Updike.†LitFinder). â€Å"AP†concerns the view of three women who walk into the local market and are being observed by the cash register, Sammy (â€Å"AP-John Updike†). At the time that Updike wrote â€Å"AP†he had already been married for eight years and remained married for another sixteen years after that (â€Å"John Updike.†LitFinder). His lustful and detailed description of the women in â€Å"AP†suggests that Updike was conflicted between his role as a faithful, responsible, husband and that of a romantic, impulsive young man, free to act upon his desires (â€Å"AP- John Updike†). In â€Å"AP†Updike cautions the reader about the perils of indulging in romantic love, which lead Sammy to make an abrupt and foolish decision in quitting his job for the purpose of gaining romantic attention from the women (â€Å"AP-John Updike†). Although raised in a conventional family, Updike wrote about living a non- conventional life style. Updike lived a life consumed with the adventures of reading and writing, which lead to an extremely creative and lustful imagination bringing about a series of outstanding and risque stories (â€Å"John Updike.†Encyclopedia). In â€Å"AP†the girls enter the store in clothes rather inappropriate for the market (â€Å"AP- John Updike†). Based on their beach-like attire it can be said that â€Å"They are more widely known creatures who had fish bodies and so came to be seen as mermaids and above all as symbols of seduction†(Blodgett, Harriet). Updike was a product of the times he lived in. John Updike’s writing was simply outstanding including his poetry whichâ€Å"†¦[possessed] several stylistic conventions shared by his fiction: careful attention to the sounds of words and the nuances of their meanings†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (â€Å"John Updike.†Encyclopedia). Updike uses allusions to give the audience of â€Å"AP†the knowledge of dramatic irony as an attempt to help the readers better understand the story (Saldivar, Toni). While his own upbringing prevented him from even contemplating the way in which Sammy acted out, Updike tried to live a stable life while constantly struggling with sex, marriage, and morality. Updike’s own life considerably influenced many of his stories. His early life was devoted to the creativity of reading and writing, which, in turn brought about a lustful imagination depicted in several of his stories. As evidenced in his story â€Å"AP†the author’s own, internal struggles play a significant role in his writing. John Updike had a noteworthy impact on the styles of writing that were most prevalent in his times. References â€Å"AP – John Updike.†T- .c2kl. Web. 06 Apr. 2011. Blodgett, Harriet. â€Å"Updike’s AP.†The Explicator 61.4 (2003): 236+. General OneFile.Web.22 Mar. 2011. â€Å"John Updike.†Encyclopedia of World Biography. 2nd ed. Vol. 15. Detroit: Gale, 2004. 390- 392. General OneFile. Web. 22. Mar. 2011 â€Å"John Udpike.†LitFinder Contemporary Collection. Detroit: Gale, 2007. LitFinder for Schools. Web. 5. Apr. 2011 Saldivar, Toni. â€Å"The Art of John Updike’s ‘AP’. â€Å"Studies in Short Fiction 34.2 (1997): 215. General OneFile. Web. 22. Mar. 2011 How to cite John updike: A product of his times, Essay examples
Saturday, April 25, 2020
The European Renaissance Analysis Essay Example For Students
The European Renaissance Analysis Essay The European RenaissanceThe Renaissance was a period of European history, considered by modern scholars as that between 1300 and 1600. Many dramatic changes happened during the Renaissance. The Renaissance was a period of new inventions and beliefs. The Renaissance was drastically different from the Middle Ages. During the Middle Ages the church held most of the power and its economy was agriculturally based. Exploration and learning was almost put to a stop. During the Renaissance society was transformed into a society increasingly dominated by central political institutions with an urban commercial attitude. Also, peoples curiosity overcame their fear and many people started to venture out and explore. New schools and colleges became more and more common. The Renaissance was started by many rich Italian cities, such as Florence, Ferrara, Milan ,and Venice. We will write a custom essay on The European Renaissance Analysis specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now Because these cities were very wealthy, many merchants started to spend money on different things, such as painting, learning, new banking techniques, and new systems of government. These things gave rise to a new type of scholar, the humanist. Humanism was subjects concerned with humankind and culture. They studied various things such as Latin, Greek language, literature and philosophy. Music and mathematics were also studied as well. The Renaissance gave way to new forms of painting , art and sculpture. During the Renaissance, artist were no longer regarded as mere artisans, as they had been to the medieval past, but for the first time emerged as independent personalities, compared to poets and writers. Many artisans merged mathematics with art , in order to become more precise in their measurements and to make sure an object was supported both rationally and proportionally. As a result painters tried and often succeeded into making their painting a window into the world. Artists also studied the way light hits objects and the way our eyes perceive light. A new kind of paint called oil paint was used. This allowed the artist to create texture , mix colors, and allow more time for corrections before it dried. The printing press was probably the most important advance in technology.Europeans first used movable metal type to print a book. On small pieces of metal they engraved single letters of the alphabet. These could then be arranged and rearranged to form words and sentences. Johan Gutenberg is usually given credit for the first book printed, a copy of the Bible. By the 1500s printing presses where fairly well spread. The printing press had many effects on the world. First of all, it made books much easier to come by, which made them cheaper. That meant common people could afford them. As a result literacy became more widespread, in contrast to the Middle Ages where usually monks and church officials were the only able to read. Second, since many more people were able to read, they wanted to read subjects other than religious or scientific work. So books on other subjects were published as well. Also many books were published in languages other than Latin, such as English, Portuguese, Spanish, French, and Italian. A third effect was that scholars had better access to one anothers work. They could also read the great works of the ancient and medieval periods. The Renaissance also had an effect on the general society. Many people became interested in politics. Also, people became interested in the world outside of their towns. Many became explorers, merchants, and map makers. Religion especially changed during the Renaissance. In the Middle ages people were primarily concerned with serving the church and getting to heaven. But the increase in arts and education gave people something to look forward to, and a life worth living.So in turn, people based their lives around various other things instead of the church. Because of the increase in literacy people learned that the Catholic Church only told the populous what they wanted them to hear. .u2bdc60fd856b778d81940499bfe932c8 , .u2bdc60fd856b778d81940499bfe932c8 .postImageUrl , .u2bdc60fd856b778d81940499bfe932c8 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u2bdc60fd856b778d81940499bfe932c8 , .u2bdc60fd856b778d81940499bfe932c8:hover , .u2bdc60fd856b778d81940499bfe932c8:visited , .u2bdc60fd856b778d81940499bfe932c8:active { border:0!important; } .u2bdc60fd856b778d81940499bfe932c8 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u2bdc60fd856b778d81940499bfe932c8 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u2bdc60fd856b778d81940499bfe932c8:active , .u2bdc60fd856b778d81940499bfe932c8:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u2bdc60fd856b778d81940499bfe932c8 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u2bdc60fd856b778d81940499bfe932c8 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u2bdc60fd856b778d81940499bfe932c8 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u2bdc60fd856b778d81940499bfe932c8 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(https://artscolumbia.org/wp-content/plugins/intelly-related-posts/assets/images/simple-arrow.png)no-repeat; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u2bdc60fd856b778d81940499bfe932c8:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u2bdc60fd856b778d81940499bfe932c8 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u2bdc60fd856b778d81940499bfe932c8 .u2bdc60fd856b778d81940499bfe932c8-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u2bdc60fd856b778d81940499bfe932c8:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: THe Most Imporanf The Tsars Fall From Power. Essay This caused many people to break away from the church and form Protestant religions. The Renaissance produced many great minds. Leonardo da Vinci was one of these. Although he was not regarded as a genius in his time. He had numerous works of art such as the Mona Lisa and The Last Supper. He also is now regarded as a great inventor. He is credited for coming up with the idea of the helicopter. He dissected corpses to learn more about human anatomy. Another great man was a German monk, Martin Luther. He taught Biblical studies at the University of Wittenberg. Luthers beliefs challenged the church although many people agreed with his ideas. He was eventually excommunicated from the church and he started Protestantism. In conclusion, the Renaissance was a time of new awakening in Europe. It include the general loss of power by the church, an increase in literacy and education, and an exploration period.History
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